April 13, 2010

You know you should stop studying when...

So I've been working on a ridiculous lab report (I stupidly chose the exp't that was pretty much three in one) for the past 4 hours. I decided to take a break and crack open one of my many books.
I then proceeded to read the word "saliva" as suh-lee-vuh rather than suh-leye-vah.
I think my brain is trying to tell me to stop.


What is so disturbing you ask? Check out this tidbit of information that I gathered, courtesy of Wikipedia:

"Although “Yo Gabba Gabba!” was created as a show for young children, it has slowly become a sensation among college students and even some parents who are entertained by its retro/indie style, bright colors, simplicity, and entertaining music from many of the popular bands featured on the show."

So wrong, on so many levels.

That is all :)