March 9, 2010

That's just how my brain works...

So super short, completely random post that I wanted to get out there. The only reason it's here and not on twitter/facebook is because it takes too many characters to write out.
Anyway...let me set the scene: After dinner, chilling on the couch with the Aunt and cousins, watching the end of the movie that we started before we ate. Please keep in mind that I am paraphrasing.

(We were watching Up In the Air)
Movie: George Clooney's character finally man's up and is on his way to see his leading lady.
-Epic Travel Sequence Ensues-
Me: Wouldn't it be funny if she had a family?
Gian: You mean like a husband.
Me: Yeah exactly. Kids, husband, house.
Caren: Why would you think that?
-George Clooney, looking super happy and gorgeous as usual, walks up a snow covered street to her house-
Me: Well look, she's living in a townhouse. If she were single it would be an apartment. What would a single person need with a house?
-Door Opens-
Woman opens door, appalled at who she finds.
Behind her, kids (that's right plural) are running up the stairs.
Cue husband who asks the cliche "Honey who's at the door?"
She shoots George a look, then closes the door while speaking with her husband.
Cut to George Clooney's devastated look.

Did I call it or what?

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