August 6, 2010

Summer Goal #3

Okay, now that I am armed and you are aware of the new list, it's time for me to get to business.

Goal #3: Homemade Pretzels!

Now to be honest, I tracked down the recipe from a heathly eating foodie blog and tried it once, only to achieve disastrous results. After further contemplation, I figured out that I killed the yeast with a liquid mixture that was too hot and I added too much flour when I thought the dough was too sticky. But here is attempt #2, using a half size of the recipe.

The Recipe
1 c. water
2 T. yeast
2 t. honey
2 1/2 cups milk
1 stick butter
1/2 cup honey
4 t. salt
8 cups whole wheat flour
How Too
It's pretty simple, nothing too difficult.

1. Heat water and 2t. honey until just too hot to the touch. NO HOTTER! It will kill the yeast, just trust me.
2. Add yeast to the mixture and let sit during the next part.

It's aliiiiive. No really, it is.

3. Heat butter, remaining honey and milk, hitting the same temperature point as in Step 1. Note: I used the stove the first time, but I think that is where it all went wrong, so I went with the microwave this time around.
4. Mix flour and salt in a separate bowl.
5. Add the yeast to the heated liquid mixture.

It looks gross...but the end result is worth it.

6. Mix in the flour until a sticky ball is formed. If it sticks to everything, then add no more than 1 additional cup (if using whole recipe).
7. Let rest and rise for 1 1/2 hours.

I chucked mine in the oven
Halfway home...

8. Take golf-ball and a half sized portions and roll into a rope, then form a pretzel shape.
9. Next dip the pretzels into a pan containing 4c. simmering water and 4t. baking soda. Then place them on a greased and foil lined pan. I used waxed paper sans butter and they stuck...not cool.

10. Bake 20-30 minutes, depending on bagel size.

A little salt, butter and brown mustard and I was good to go.

I actually ended up taking half of the dough I made and turned them into cinnamon rolls. Were they any good? Let's just say they didn't survive the night.

Summer Goals 2010:
1. Gather Courage to Chop of Hair
2.Yoga! Yoga! Yoga! (LOL, get it?)
3. Make Something I Love from Scratch
Make a Homemade Apple Pie
Paint Bedroom
6. Disneyland!!!!

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