October 2, 2010

Random to the Max

So I don't watch much television anymore, simply because all I do is study, sleep, stare at my MAC screen. But when I do turn on the telly, it seems that that Red Robin commercial wit the police standoff is on...Every. Single. Time. Now I don't mind because it's funny, but it gives me the sudden urge to finish the jingle right alongside the bandit.
Naturally, this go me thinking, what other jingles/theme tunes do I feel compelled to finish or sing along with whenever I hear a few notes?

Just a few from my (very long) list:
~The Phineas and Ferb intro song
~The Boy Meets World Intro, I don't know the lyrics but I do hum along
~The Fresh Prince of Bel Air intro rap, I dare you not to join in. It's contagious
~"Subway....Eat Fresh!"

What about you? Surely this can't be an "only Alyssa because she's crazy" thing.

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