November 30, 2010

Day 21

Last one for today
Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy

Ahhh, memories. I love being Filipino

Day 20

Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future

I have only ever been significant other-less, much to my little brother's joy. So this is all I can give you in terms of answers...

Can I keep him?

Funny Stories-

When I was 12 I loved Mary Kate and Ashley direct-to-video movies. There is one, called Passport to Paris, that is my all time favorite. Why? Because the dark haired Parisian boy was cute, in fact he was my first movie crush. Fast forward a decade, I'm checking out the imdb of my current Hollywood crush (see the epitome of hotness above) and guess what I find...he played the cute boy in Passport to Paris!!!!!!! If that isn't a sign it was meant to be, I don't know what is.

Day 19

It's turning into a multi post day (I'm thinking at least one more after this)

Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them

Most people just call me Alyssa, it's just easier that way.
Cassy calls me Lyssa, because that extra syllable is too much for her lazy self.
Nes will, on occasion, call me Ly-It started in 8th grade, but it actually managed to stick.
The little bros and younger cousins call me Ate, Ate Alyssa or Ate Lyssa-It's a Filipino thing.

Note: If I've repeatedly told you how to say my name but you get it wrong anyway, I will correct you. It's just an automatic reaction

Day 18

Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have

I'll try and keep this to the point...

I want... be fulfilled in whatever job I find myself in remain at least as close to my family as I am now find that one person who will change my life for the better achieve genuine happiness in life

That's not asking too much is it? Yeah, it probably is

November 21, 2010

Day 17

Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why

Kat Dennings maybe? She was the chick from Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist. I always think about how cool it would be to be an actor for a day, a nice one, not one of the stuck up ones. Kat definitely fits the bill with that criteria. Also, the projects she chooses are always really cool indies or ones with a small pre-established fan base (with the exception of The House Bunny, blech!), so I think it would be fun to switch places for the day.

Runners-up (for the same reasons)-Ellen Page, Anna Paquin, Lindsay Shaw

November 20, 2010

Day 16

Day 16- Another picture of yourself

More Macbook fun

November 19, 2010

Day 15

Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play

Can I just say, I've been waiting for this one like a kid at Christmas? I've included links to anything you might not be familiar with, just in case you were curious. Here goes...

3. John Mayer- Waiting on the World to Change (Live)

4. Paramore- All I Wanted...This is the first time I've heard this, the little bro just shoved it on my iPod and I never took the time to have a listen. Not gonna lie, it was depressing so after 45sec I moved right along.

5. McFly-Everybody Knows...It's anthemic for the early 20-somethings

6. Weezer-Perfect Situation

7. Backstreet Boys-Shape of My Heart...this was the source of a "What the hell is the name of that song?" headache inducing convo with the little bro on the way up from SD

8. The Lonely Island-I can't bring myself to write it, so I'll link it instead

9. The Lonely Island ft. Justin Timberlake- Again, just follow the link

10. 2AM-I Love new fascination with KPop can be blamed on little bro and cousin

Is it just me or was this the most random shuffle list in the history of blogs

November 18, 2010

Day 14

I'm behind, again, so here's another double up.

Day 14- A picture of you and your family

Thanksgiving with the fam bam...gotta love it.

Day 13

Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently

I've been mulling over this since I read that it was on the list. It's not recent at all, as I don't have tons of people clamoring to stab me in the back (I don't think), but here it goes:

(You know who you are),

I could blast you for everything you have done to me.

I could advertise all the ways you hurt me.

I could tell everyone the things you did to make me doubt myself.

But I won't, because I'm better than that. I would never take to the internet to exact my revenge. That's not my style, I don't even do revenge. Instead, I'm just going to sit back, until you realize that you owe me a few things. And if you don't? You'll be down an amazing friend, I know because I've got true friends that helped me realize that I am an amazing person..but me? I'll probably be better off in the end.

November 17, 2010

Day 12

Day 12- How you found out about Blogger and why you made one

I've known about Blogger for ages, I think someone in high school had one and I was intrigued. I bounced between different blog sites before settling securely on this one. It's just easier to use and meddle with than any of the other sites I tried.

As for why? Why not? I find that having one of these is a quick way of sharing what's going on in my life through a site that isn't played out (like Myspace) or doesn't have a blog format (Facebook). I think it's fun, and I love to check out everyone else's blogs as well.

November 13, 2010

Day 11

Day 11- Another picture of you and your friend

What happens when you have a MAC, friends around and no homework to do?

November 12, 2010

Day 10

I'm behind again, mainly because it took forever for me to figure out a Day 9 post, so I'm doubling up today (and maybe tomorrow)

Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad

The Beatles-I Wanna Hold Your Hand
It makes me smile, that's all I need.

The Beatles-All You Need is Love
It picks me up whenever I'm down

Bon Jovi-Bad Medicine
Makes me wanna dance and sing every time.

Queen-We Will Rock You
My favorite way to get pumped for a test.

Joan Jett and the Blackhearts-Bad Reputation
The perfect level of angry girl rock.

Day 9

Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days

Procrastination is at an all time low!

I'm almost through jumping all the hoops required to close out my time at UCSD and begin life as a Matador (CSUN...pathetic mascot, huh?)

Also, I'm kicking Instrumental Analysis lab report a**. I'm on a roll!

November 9, 2010

Day 8

I'm a little behind, so its a Challenge double post today...

ay 08- Short term goals for this month and why

1. Finish Lab Reports 1 Week before due date
I'm trying to combat the whole procrastination thing, from now until the end of the month, I'll have completed two more lab rotations, but the reports are not due until 2 weeks after the last lab of each rotation. I have two other group members, so if I get the work done efficiently, there is no reason that it would take that long to finish the reports

2. No excessive spending until Black Friday
The only things I'm allowed are gas, food and unbelievably good (like more than 50%) sales. I need to save up to pick up a GPS, FlipCam HD and some other technological gadgets when Black Friday comes around so here is my attempt at saving.

3. At least 3 runs or yoga sessions a week
Right now I'm at two, but I'm feeling so good that I want to try to up it to three. I'm liking the feeling healthy side effects that exercise is giving me and I don't want to give them up.

4. Study, Study, Study
I want my GPA for this quarter to be one of my highest, which looks like it will be possible so long as I can continue to fight back the urge to procrastinate.

Day 7

Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you

Does it really need explanation?

November 7, 2010

Food Adventures-Banh Mi

Soooo, Nikko introduced me to this show called "The Great Food Truck Race" where one of the teams was a group of Vietnamese 20-somethings that had started a food truck (NomNoms) centered around Banh Mi, an amazing Vietnamese sandwich. I had no idea what a Banh Mi was before this, so I did some research and the more I read, the more I wanted to try one. Thankfully, about 2miles from where I live is a high traffic area that is ripe with Pho restaurants and Vietnamese sandwich spots. I had no idea about the sandwich places until I did a Yelp search for Banh Mi in the area. After some reading, I chose Sandwich Express as our very first sandwich shop, as the reviews all praised the homemade french bread. Here's what we got...

Clockwise from Top Left: Pork&Ham, Shredded Chicken, BBQ Pork

It was amazing, no lie. The baguette was perfect, crunchy on the outside and soft and warm on the inside. The veggies gave the perfect amount of crunch and heat to compliment the filling.

I will definitely be going here to continue my Banh Mi education.

Day 6

Day 06-Favorite Superhero and why

So it's not really a single super hero, more like a collection...

Growing up, I wanted to be a Sailor Scout. I'm asian, so I have every right to hold that in my past. I think the draw was their teamwork and the fact that they were girls and kicked major a**. Plus, I loved all the backstories (and I wanted/still want my very own r/l Tuxedo Mask)

These people come in at a close second...

November 6, 2010

Day 5

Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to

You know those commercials for that magical $5 Pizza Buffet? Well, let me tell you, it exists!

Behold the epicness that is Mac&Cheese Pizza

November 4, 2010

Day 4

Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have

I have two I want to talk about, one that's obvious and the other that I hate.

I think it's a common thing among college students. Mine got pretty bad from 2nd-3rd in college, but it's getting better now. I make an effort to finish things at least two days in advance...and just in case you're wondering, yes not procrastinating DOES help your grades. Shocking, no?

I'm a flake
Yes, it is true, I am the friend that says yes with enthusiasm to get you off my back about going this place or that place, but will call you a day or two before and cancel. It was pretty bad for about two years, up until about three months ago when I realized I didn't like who it made me: an unreliable friend.

Now, I make an effort to just say that whatever the plan is 'really isn't my thing' or just to get over the embarrassment and just admitting that I have no money/source of income so going out is not an option for me. It may irritate some people, but better that than making plans and being that not so good kind of friend.

November 3, 2010

Day 3

Day 03- Picture of me and my friends

Me and the Meteor Girls
I did have to hijack this from Facebook

...and let's not forget two of my favorite people

November 2, 2010

Day 2

Day 02- Meaning behind my blog name

Back in 7th grade-ish my friends decided to dub our group the 'Filipino Mafia' (FM for short) and proceeded to hold history notes for ransoms paid in lumpia...weird I know. Anyway, we picked nicknames and the only one I could come up with was Lyzzie. Eventually it evolved to LyLy and then my bestie Ness dubbed me Ly. So, if anyone called me by a name that wasn't Alyssa or Lyssa (Cassy says she was too lazy for the extra syllable) it would be Ly.

Up until high school my aim s/n was NinjaStar26 (2 points to whoever knows where the number came from)...very asian and stereotypical. I decided that would no longer do and came up with lyislooney, the only remotely witty thing I could come up with back then. Since I'm not too creative, I've continued using it a my username here (and Twitter).

As for the blog name, let me walk you through it, it's easy. I am Lyislooney, the web address is lyslooneybin, so the title 'one blog, all my insanity' makes complete sense...right?

That is all for now, see ya next post :)

November 1, 2010

Day 1

Day 01- A Recent Pic and 15 Fun Facts
Exactly how recent is recent? This was from Late August, it's now November...but it's the only picture I have of myself. The cousin and the little bro (on the right) thought that posing like that would make them look tough..Ummmmmm, moving on.

Fun Facts-

1. I've known my best friend since we were in preschool- I love her, she's my sister. There is nothing else to say.

2. I always wanted to be the Yellow Ranger, never Pink- As a little kid, whenever we pretended to be the Power Rangers during preschool/kinder recess, I never had a problem with being relegated to the Yellow Ranger status. She was Asian (Taiwanese, maybe?) and that just made her cooler.

3. I am on my third TI-89 Titanium- The first was stolen in a fire drill (and I went to a CATHOLIC school), the screen on the second freaked out after the corner of a Calc book fell on it and the third one will hopefully last me the rest of my lifetime.

4. I brought six pairs of shoes with me to school, all are black- I don't know what happened. Through high school and the first two years at college, my shoes were always oddly colored Chucks or checkered Vans. Now they are all black, I definitely need to fix this.

5. I love to drive on my own-I tend to drive to and from where I am at college to my hometown a lot and the 2 1/2-3 drive is something I love. It's why I always turn down the offer for an unnecessary co-pilot.

6. Being in my 8th grade play inspired a secret love of acting- I realized how much fun it was, I just wish I hadn't let the theater kids in high school intimidate me.

7. When I'm felling homesick I bust out old Carpool memories- I carpooled with my best friend, cousin and all our siblings for a good chunk of my life. Many great times were had then- Thrifty Ice Cream, picking up Papa, youngest bro getting carsick...

8. I dance when no one's looking-My iPod is my dance buddy, it allows me to dance in the privacy of my own room w/o alerting anyone to my actions. I did it a lot when I had an on campus single and I still do it now.

9. I'm named after Alyssa Milano- My dad just really liked Who's the Boss and saw the spelling and liked it. Of course, he did change how to pronounce it...which can be a pain to explain sometimes.

10. I like to be the one to make people smile- There is just something unbelievably satisfying to know that something I did or said made another person happy, even for just a moment.

11. I went to Christian/Catholic schools for 14 yrs- I liked the smaller classes in elementary school, it meant that I could make fewer but better quality friends. I had religion classes every single year, but if you asked me to tell you everything I learned, it would probably only take me a few hours.

12. I hate hurting other people- To know that I've hurt someone, especially when they confront me about it (which they should, they have every right to) bothers me to no end. Try as I might, even when the friendships get back on track and its been ages, I can never forget those memories and those feelings of remorse come flooding right back.

13. I am a Chemistry Major- For those of you who don't know already, yes I am a Chem Major. Is it hard? Yes. Was it a mistake? In hindsight, probably. Can I do anything about it now? Definitely not.

14. I'm writing a book- Bet you didn't know that, huh? Not many do, so don't feel bad. The goal is to have it be a mixed media novel with original songs (courtesy my talented brother and cousin) to accompany the chapters. My outline is nearly finished and now I just need some time to actually write it, which won't happen until I am no longer a chem major.

15. My ultimate goal in life is to be happy- No matter how or what I need to do to get there, I will consider myself successful in life if I can be genuinely happy.

...That was harder than I thought. Until next time.