November 9, 2010

Day 8

I'm a little behind, so its a Challenge double post today...

ay 08- Short term goals for this month and why

1. Finish Lab Reports 1 Week before due date
I'm trying to combat the whole procrastination thing, from now until the end of the month, I'll have completed two more lab rotations, but the reports are not due until 2 weeks after the last lab of each rotation. I have two other group members, so if I get the work done efficiently, there is no reason that it would take that long to finish the reports

2. No excessive spending until Black Friday
The only things I'm allowed are gas, food and unbelievably good (like more than 50%) sales. I need to save up to pick up a GPS, FlipCam HD and some other technological gadgets when Black Friday comes around so here is my attempt at saving.

3. At least 3 runs or yoga sessions a week
Right now I'm at two, but I'm feeling so good that I want to try to up it to three. I'm liking the feeling healthy side effects that exercise is giving me and I don't want to give them up.

4. Study, Study, Study
I want my GPA for this quarter to be one of my highest, which looks like it will be possible so long as I can continue to fight back the urge to procrastinate.

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