February 23, 2011

People in my CSUN Evo Class are Dumbasses

Dear Dumbasses,

1. Equilibrium means that shit stays the same, not that they are equal. If it meant that, then they would just say that they were 'equal,' NOT that they were in equilibrium.

2. This is college, if you don't understand something, ask a question, use that overpriced book you bought or go to office hours. Don't complain about lack of examples, if you need them this would be another chance to crack open that pricey book  or head to the internet.

3. If you spent the time you waste whining on this magic thing designed to get you A's called "studying" you wouldn't have to whine about every little unimportant detail.

4. Don't assume that the young-ish looking asian girl is a naive undergrad and try "explain" how college works. I'm a grad student with a degree in Chemistry from UCSD, I already effing know how college works

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