July 26, 2011

On the Subject of Leggings...

After spending way too much time being exposed to people who where leggings day in and day out, this is what my mind has come up with. Under NO circumstances should you wear leggings as your only form of "pants" if all of the following criteria are not met.

1. Leggings must be fully opaque. I have no desire to see what kind/color underwear you have on, so please spare me the visual. If your leggings are almost but not quite opaque, buy a pair of cheap-o leggings to wear under your nicer ones.

2. Your top must cover at least half of your backside. This is what long tanks and tees have been destined for, so if your shirt stops before it covers your butt then put on a pair of jeans.

3. Jeggings (jean-leggings) are only acceptable when the material resembles that which jeans are made of. If all you have are cotton leggings that are died to simple resemble jeans, please don't go there.

....and that's all I have to say about that.

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