August 17, 2011

Win: Quinoa Chocolate Cake with Cooked Icing and Strawberry filling

So I was doing a little bit of research, trying to find a flourless chocolate cake recipe that did not involve ground almonds/almond flour and for different ways to use quinoa and this is what I came across. Essentially, this is a flourless chocolate cake that uses quinoa (an alternative grain, alright for celiacs) as the main ingredient. Also, this is one of the few recipes that calls for cooked quinoa instead of quinoa flour, which is what I was looking for. The results, which you can see below, churned out a super dense chocolate cake similar in texture to a moist pound cake that is extremely rich and tasty. You only need a small piece to satisfy your choclate craving. All I can say is yummy...

Here are the links for the cake and the icing should you decide to try and recreate this.

The cooked icing

Mmm, quinoa

The strawberry filling

The wet ingredients + quinoa

The finished cake


  1. I'm curious why you decided to try this. Do you know someone allergic to gluten? or were you just up for the challenge? Either way, I think it's awesome and more people should be aware that alternative baked goods are also delicious.

  2. Actually, it was purely selfish. I wanted chocolate cake but didn't have enough flour, so I was browsing through flourless cake recipes. At the same time I noticed quinoa cookie recipes so I started looking for one for a quinoa cake. It's nice knowing I have an alternative and it is honestly the best chocolate cake I've ever made. It's super dense and moist, just like you would get in a bakery, and you honestly wouldn't know there was quinoa unless I said something.

  3. is quinoa like a grain kinda thing??? I think i had a quinoa soup at work the other day and i loved it!! I need to try this!!! is there any left?

  4. Yeah its this round grain thing, but you blitz it in a blender to nix the texture. I've got a slice with your name on it if you wanna drop by Friday after work :)

  5. hey if you still have leftovers you dont want on monday i will gladly eat it for you that cake was DEEEELICIOUS!!

  6. can u make this cake for my birthday!!!?? haha ok im texting u
